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Ceqli Glossary
Page history
last edited
by Rex May 11 years, 6 months ago
The Glossary is from Ceqli to English. Use the page search to find English words if you want to work backwards. I've included the origin of the words where possible. I've indicated compound words, too, with the morphemes separated by hyphens. This has been revised through the letter F. Suggestions and corrections are welcome. Contact me at rmay@mac.com
Ceqli | English | origin |
ba |
something, indefinite pronoun |
Loglan |
balan |
teat, X is a teat |
Irish |
baley |
ballet dance, X dances a ballet with Y |
French |
balo |
complicated, X is complicated |
reversal |
baluqi |
grapefruit, X is a grapefruit |
Swahili |
balwa |
riot, X riots against Y |
Hindi |
bam |
night, X is a night of day Y |
Korean |
bam-cen |
midnight, X is a midnight of day Y |
compound |
bamu |
bamboo, X is bamboo |
Eng |
bamu-bin |
bamboo shoot, X is a bamboo shoot |
compound |
bana |
invent, X invents Y |
Hindi |
bana-jin |
inventor, X is an inventor of Y |
compound |
banana |
banana, X is a banana |
English banana |
bane |
bandage, X is a bandage |
Eng |
bani |
money, X is money issued by Y |
Rumanian |
bani-be-dwa |
debt of money, X is a debt owed by Y to Z |
compound |
bani-duq |
exchange money, X exchanges money Y with Z |
compound |
bani-duq-jay |
exchange house, X is a money exchange house |
compound |
bani-dwa |
owe money, X owes Y to Z |
compound |
bani-twi |
purse, X is a purse |
compound |
banwar |
whirlpool, X is a whirlpool |
Hindi |
banyo |
bathe, X bathes Y |
Spanish |
banyo-cam |
bathroom, X is a bathroom in building Y |
compound |
banyo-penwar |
bathrobe, X is a bathrobe |
compound |
banyo-ske |
bath (event of bathing), X is a bathing of Y by Z |
compound |
banyo-tawl |
bath towel, X is a bath towel |
compound |
banyo-toq |
bathtub, X is a bathtub |
compound |
baq |
hemp, X is hemp |
Hindi |
baqla |
bungalow, X is a bungalow |
Hindi |
bara |
rose (flower), X is a rose |
Hindi |
baran |
rain, X is rain |
Persian |
baran-heq-zer |
rain guage, X is a rain guage |
compound |
baran-palo |
raincoat, X is a raincoat |
compound |
bari |
turn (chance in a sequence) X is Y's turn |
Hindi |
baril |
barrel, X is a barrel |
Spanish |
barli |
barley, X is barley |
Engl. |
barmal |
punctual, X is punctual |
Hindi |
barn |
barn, X is a barn |
English |
barwa |
letter (communication), X is a letter |
Hindi |
baw |
build, X builds Y |
German bauen |
baw-bawm-jey |
lumber, (building wood), X is lumber |
compound |
baw-bawm-jey-jay |
lumber yard, X is a lumber yard |
compound |
baw-jey |
building (structure), X is a building |
compound |
baw-skim-jin |
architect, X is an architect |
compound |
bawaq |
onion, X is an onion |
Indonesian |
bawm |
tree, X is a tree |
German |
bawm-jey |
wood, X is wood |
compound |
bawm-sey |
forest, X is a forest |
compound |
bay |
according to, X is according to Y |
English by |
bayl |
dance, X dances dance Y |
Spanish |
bayn |
leg, X is a leg of Y |
German |
be |
particle that switches subj and obj of verb |
English be-, Mandarin bei |
be-bana |
invention, X is an invention invented by Y |
compound |
be-ber-fey |
portable, X is portable |
compound |
be-bol |
has, knows, language, X is a speaker of language Y |
compound |
be-buq |
goods, X is goods traded by Y |
compound |
be-bwa-fey |
potable, X is potable |
compound |
be-dan |
contain, X contains Y |
compound |
be-fel |
necessary, X is necessary to Y |
compound |
be-fir |
scare, X scares Y |
compound |
be-fraq |
X is broken by Y |
compound |
be-fraq-fey |
breakable, X is breakable |
compound |
be-fray |
fried, X is fried |
compound |
be-fyul |
is powered, fueled, X is powered by Y |
compound |
be-jonmo |
be born, X is born to mother Y |
compound |
be-kyam |
to be called. "My name is...", X is called Y |
compound |
be-play |
be implied by, X is implied by Y |
compound |
be-pyun-zay |
abbreviated, X is abbreviated |
compound |
be-sli |
at most, X is at most Y |
compound |
be-ti |
[closes ti-phrase] |
compound |
be-xaw-vey |
come into view, X comes into Y's view |
compound |
be-zay |
be caused, X is caused by Y |
compound |
bel |
beautiful, X is beautiful |
French belle |
belan |
roller, X is a roller |
Hindi |
belan-pen |
rollerball pen |
compound |
beli |
belly, stomach, X is a stomach of creature Y |
English |
ben |
advantage, benefit, for, X benefits Y |
English BENefit |
ben |
benefit, X benefits Y |
English Benefit |
ben |
for the benefit of, acts as preposition |
English BENefit |
beq |
bank, X is a bank (money) |
Tok Pisin |
ber |
bear, carry, tote, X carries Y |
English |
ber-jey |
load, cargo, X is a cargo of Y |
compound |
ber-jin |
bearer, porter, X is a porter who carries Y |
compound |
ber-tomo |
truck, X is a truck |
compound |
bera |
raft, X is a raft |
Hindi |
beri |
berry, X is a berry |
English |
berli |
barely, X is barely Y |
English |
bey |
receive, X receives Y |
Mandarin bei |
bey-kyum |
receipt, X is a receipt for Y |
compound |
bi |
be, is equivalent to, X = Y |
English be |
bilawan |
cashew, X is a cashew |
Hindi |
bilyar |
billiards, X is billiards |
Portuguese |
bima |
insurance, X is insurance for Y |
Swahili |
bin |
baby, infant form, X is an immature Y |
Arabic |
bin-cwaq |
crib, X is a crib |
compound |
bine |
bee, X is a bee |
German |
biq |
ice, X is ice |
Mandarin |
biq-koq |
icebox, X is an icebox (see giro-koq) |
compound |
birne |
bulb, X is a bulb |
German |
biru |
beer, X is beer |
Japanese |
blare |
bladder, X is a bladder of creature Y |
Norwegian |
blay |
lead (metal), X is the metal lead |
German |
ble |
ugly, X is ugly |
reversal of bel |
blen |
blend, X blends Y |
English BLENd |
blen |
mix, Z mixes Y |
English BLENd |
bley |
times, x, multiplication marker, X is multiplied by Y |
English doubBLE |
bli |
moment, instant, X is an instant |
English BLInk |
bli-bril |
flash (light), X flashes |
compound |
blini |
pancake, X is a pancake |
Russian |
blu |
blue, X is blue |
English |
blu-beri |
blueberry, X is a blueberry |
compound |
blu-fawl |
bluebird, X is a bluebird |
compound |
bnoy |
On this side of, X is on this side of Y |
reversal |
bol |
language (is a language of), X is a language known by Y |
Hindi bolna |
bol-jey |
saying, X is a saying |
compound |
bol-koy |
garrulous, X is garrulous |
compound |
bol-sin |
mute, X is mute, is without language |
compound |
bola |
simple, X is simple |
Hindi |
boli |
glass (substance), X is glass |
Mandarin |
bolo |
cake (pastry), X is a cake |
Portuguese |
bom |
bomb, X is a bomb |
Eng, |
bomul |
cotton, X is cotton |
Swedish |
bora |
sack, bag, X is a sack |
Hindi |
boro |
rag, X is a rag |
Japanese |
boyl |
boil, X boils |
English |
boyl-zay |
boil, X boils Y |
compound |
bra |
arm, X is an arm of Y |
French |
bra-horlo |
wristwatch, X is a wristwatch |
compound |
brawn |
brown, X is brown |
English |
brela |
umbrella, X is an umbrella |
English umBRELLA |
breyn |
brain, X is a brain of Y |
English |
bril |
shine, X shines |
Esperanto |
brila |
glasses, spectacles, X is glasses |
German |
bru |
abrupt, X is abrupt |
English aBRUpt |
bru-xaw |
catch sight of, X catches sight of Y |
compound |
brul |
burn, X burns |
Esperanto French |
brul-zay |
burn, cause to burn, X burns Y |
compound |
brum |
broom, X is a broom |
Eng |
brum-tso |
sweep, X sweeps Y |
compound |
bu |
not, no |
Mandarin |
bu-da-zo |
Buddha, X is Buddha |
compound |
bu-da-zo-cel |
Buddhist (person), X is a Buddhist |
compound |
bu-da-zo-din |
Buddhism, X is Buddhism |
compound |
bu-tiq-fey |
deaf, X is deaf |
compound |
bu-tru |
untrue, false, X is false |
compound |
bul |
cow, domesticated, X is a cow (either sex) |
English bull |
bula |
mistake, make a mistake, X makes a mistake, errs |
Hindi |
bula-jey |
mistake, error, X is a mistake done by Y |
compound |
bulan |
moon, X is a moon of planet Y |
Indonesian |
buli |
cow, domesticated, X is a cow (female) |
English bull |
bulo |
bull, domesticated, X is a bull |
English bull |
buma |
paper, X is paper |
Russ BUMAga |
bumen-hurin-kraq |
albuminuria, X is albuminuria of organism Y |
compound |
buni |
countryside, X is countryside |
English boonies |
bunle |
bundle, X is a bundle of Y |
English BUNDLE |
buq |
trade, exchange, barter, X barters Y |
Tok Pisin |
buq-jin |
merchant, X is a merchant of Y (goods) |
compound |
buq-komu-jey |
commercial, advertisement, X is a commercial for Y |
compound |
buq-panya |
company (business), X is a company |
compound |
bura |
beet, X is a beet |
Russ. |
bwa |
drink, X drinks Y |
French bois |
bwa-fel |
thirsty, X is thirsty for Y |
compound |
bwa-fel-xen |
thirst, X is thirst for |
compound |
bwa-gwin |
liquor, X is liquor, strong drink |
compound |
bwa-zer |
drinking glass, cup, X is a cup for/of Y |
compound |
bwan |
boss, leader, chief, X is the boss of Y |
Swahili bwana |
bwan-ceq |
capital (chief city), X is the capital of Y |
compound |
bya |
against, not according to, on the contrary, X is against Y |
reversal of bay |
byan |
weave, Z weaves Y |
Mandarin |
byel |
white, X is white |
Russian |
byel-blu |
light blue, X is light blue |
compound |
byel-corn |
gray, X is gray |
compound |
byel-hoq |
pink, X is pink |
compound |
byel-zay |
bleach, whiten, X whitens Y |
compound |
byel-zay-jey |
bleach, X is bleach |
compound |
byen |
also, X is in addition to Y |
Spanish tamBIEN |
byon |
beyond, on the other side of, X is beyond Y |
English BeYONd |
byon-gey |
cross, go to the other side of, X crosses Y |
compound |
byorn |
bear, X is a bear (animal) |
Scandinavian |
byumen |
albumen, X is albumen |
English alBUMEN |
ca |
there (near you) |
a priori |
ca-ba |
that one (by you) |
compound |
ca-sa |
that adj (by you) |
compound |
cal |
move, X moves |
Hindi |
cal-skala |
escalator, X is an escalator |
compound |
cal-vayu |
wind, X is a wind (moving air) |
compound |
cal-zay |
move, X moves Y |
compound |
cala |
blister, X is a blister on Y |
Hindi |
calawa |
Will-o-the-wisp, X is a will-o-the-wisp |
Hindi |
cam |
room, is a room/chamber |
French |
cam-sey |
apartment, is an apartment, suite of rooms |
compound |
cam-sey-dom |
apartment house, X is an apartment house |
compound |
camra |
leather, X is leather |
Hindi |
cara |
graze, feed, X grazes on Y |
Hindi |
cari |
stick, twig, X is a stick/twig/ |
Hindi |
cari-geril |
bacillus (rod shaped bacterium), X is a bacillus |
compound |
carm |
charm, X charms Y |
English |
caro |
narrow, X is narrow |
reversal |
caw |
say goodbye, X says goodbye to Y |
Italian |
cawal |
rice, X is rice |
Hindi chawal |
cay |
tea, X is tea |
Hindi, Russian |
cayn-zo |
China, X is China/Chinese |
English CHINese |
ce |
resumptive pronoun |
a priori |
cel |
follower, believer, X is a follower of Y |
Hindi CHELa |
celan |
trousers, pants, X is trousers |
Indonesian |
celan-tam-zer |
suspenders, X is suspenders |
compound |
cem |
than, in comparison, X is compared to Y |
Russian |
cen |
medium, mid-range, X is the center of Y |
English CENter |
cene |
chin, X is a chin of Y |
Turkish |
cene-har |
goatee, chin-beard, X is a goatee of Y |
compound |
ceq |
city, X is a city |
Mandarin |
ceq-bwan |
mayor, X is a mayor of Y |
compound |
ceqli-zo |
Ceqli, X is Ceqli |
CHinese + ENGLIsh |
cer |
chair, X is a chair |
English |
cernila |
ink, X is ink |
Russian |
ceru |
cigar, X is a cigar |
Hindi |
cerul |
cigarette, X is a cigarette |
Hindi |
ceyn |
chain, X is a chain |
English |
ci |
here |
French iCI |
ci-ba |
this one |
compound |
ci-sa |
this adj |
compound |
cil |
seven, X is a group of seven |
Korean |
cil-zem-xar |
July, X is July |
compound |
cile |
chile, X is a chile (pepper) |
Spanish |
cili |
chili, X is chili |
English |
cimi |
codfish, X is a codfish |
Hindi |
cimni |
chimney, X is a chimney |
English |
ciq |
invite, polite imperative marker, X invites Y |
Mandarin |
ciq |
please, invite |
Mandarin |
ciq-jin |
guest, X is a guest |
compound |
co |
what has just been said or referred to |
a priori |
coq |
copy, X copies Y |
Mandarin |
coq-jey |
copy, X is a copy of Y |
compound |
cor |
release, let go, X releases Y |
Hindi |
cora |
wide, X is wide |
Hindi |
cora-cer |
sofa, couch, X is a sofa |
compound |
corn |
black, X is black |
Russian |
coy |
notice, X notices Y |
Cantonese |
cu |
there (not near you) |
a priori |
cu-ba |
that one (not by you) |
compound |
cu-sa |
that adj (not by you) |
compound |
cum |
kiss, X kisses Y |
Hindi |
cun |
lip, X is a lip of Y |
Mandarin |
cun-har |
mustache, X is a mustache of Y |
compound |
cuqu |
bitter, X is bitter |
Swahili |
cuqwa |
orange (color), X is orange |
Swahili |
cur |
steal, X steals Y, |
Hindi |
cur-jin |
thief, X is a thief of commodity Y |
compound |
cura |
frog, X is a frog |
Hindi |
cwa |
lead, go first, X goes first/before Y, X leads Y |
Hokkien |
cwan |
ship, X is a ship |
Mandarin |
cwan-bwan |
captain, X is a ship captain of ship Y |
compound |
cwaq |
bed, x is a bed |
Mandarin chuang |
cwey |
blow, puff, X blows Y (as a sail) |
Mandarin |
da |
he, she, it, third person pronoun |
Loglan da |
dal |
divided by, / X is divided by Y |
Irish |
dal-dwe |
half (short for "handaldwe") |
compound |
dalam |
deep, X is deep |
Indonesian |
dali |
tense, unrelaxed, X is tense |
reversal |
dalu |
continent, X is a continent |
Mandarin |
damini |
lightning, X is lightning |
Hindi |
dan |
in, inside, X is in Y |
French dans |
dan-tayl |
interior, inside, X is an interior of Y |
compound |
dan-vey |
enter, X enters Y |
compound |
dan-vey-dor |
entrance, X is an entrance to Y |
compound |
dan-vey-jay |
entrance, place of entry, X is a place of entry to Y |
compound |
dan-vey-kyum |
ticket, X is a ticket to Y |
compound |
danya |
damage, X damages Y |
Spanish |
danya-jey |
damage, X is damage to Y |
compound |
daq |
stop, X stops Y, X causes Y to end |
Mandarin |
dara |
custom, practice, X is a custom of Y |
Bengali |
dara-bay |
customary, X is customary, according to custom |
compound |
daren |
adult, X is an adult |
Mandarin |
darya |
body of water, X is a body of water |
Hindi |
darya-kinar |
coast, shore, X is a coast of Y |
compound |
daw |
manner, X is a manner of Y |
Mandarin tao |
daw |
way, path, X is a way/path to Y |
Mandarin tao |
dawa |
drug, X is a drug |
Swahili |
dawa |
medicine, X is a medicine |
Swahili |
dawm |
thumb, X is a thumb of Y |
German |
dawr |
last, endure, X endures, lasts through Y |
German |
dawr-peyn |
ache, long-lasing pain, X is an ache in Y |
compound |
daya |
right (direction), X is to the right of Y |
Indonesian (meaning east side of body) |
dayaria |
diarrhea, X is diarrhea |
English |
dayra |
circle, X is a circle |
Arabic |
dayra-form |
circular, round, X is round |
compound |
de |
from, X is from Y |
Romance |
de-gey |
leave, X leaves Y |
compound |
de-gey-dor |
exit, X is the exit from Y |
compound |
del |
member, coherent piece, X is a member of Y |
Scandinavian |
dema |
parcel, X is a parcel of Y |
Greek |
dema-tso |
wrap, X wraps Y |
compound |
deman |
request, X requests Y |
French |
den |
perform, X performs Y, as a play or music |
Irish |
den-ske |
performance, X is a performance of Y |
compound |
dena |
afford, X affords Y |
Hindi |
denwa |
phone, telephone, X is a telephone |
Japanese |
denwa-tso |
call, phone, X phones Y |
compound |
dia |
day (daylight time), X is a day, period of daytime |
Spanish |
dia-cen-kom-jey |
lunch, X is lunch |
compound |
diaman |
diamond, X is a diamond |
French |
dil |
heart, X is a heart of Y |
Hindi |
dila |
relax, relaxed, rests, X is relaxed, X rests |
Hindi |
dila-dyen |
day off, X is a day off, holiday |
compound |
dila-koy |
lazy, X is lazy |
compound |
dila-taym |
vacation, X is a vacation |
compound |
din |
religion, X is a religion |
Hindi |
din-cel |
religious person, X is a religious person |
compound |
din-cel-sey |
church, body of believers, X is a church |
compound |
din-dom |
church, X is a church |
compound |
diq |
thing, X is a thing |
German |
diq-vor |
noun, X is a noun in language Y |
compound |
dir |
animal, X is an animal |
Old English DIr |
dir-hila |
veterinarian, X is a veterinarian |
compound |
diwali |
bowl, X is a bowl |
Cherokee |
dmala |
shallow, X is shallow |
reversal |
do |
now, also present tense particle, also when, at the time of |
English do, roughly |
do-dyen |
today, X is today |
compound |
do-ke |
when, at the time that |
compound |
do-taym |
currently, these times, X is current times |
compound |
dolar |
dollar, X is a dollar |
Span. |
dolor |
sorrow, X sorrows about Y |
Span. |
dolu |
hail, X is hail |
Turkish |
dom |
house, X is a house |
Russian, Latin DOMus |
dom-gay |
roof, X is a roof of Y |
compound |
dom-gay-cam |
attic, X is an attic of Y |
compound |
domen |
abdomen, X is an abdomen of Y |
English abDOMEN |
don |
give, X gives Y |
Romance |
don-ba |
gift, something given, X is a gift to Y |
compound |
doq |
hole, X is a hole in Y |
Mandarin |
doqma |
dogma, X is dogma |
English |
doqmay |
artery, X is an artery of organism Y |
Mandarin |
dor |
door, X is a door to/in Y |
English |
dorm |
sleep, X sleeps |
French dormir |
dorm-fel |
sleepy, X is sleepy |
compound |
dorm-koy |
sleepy, X is sleepy |
compound |
dorm-vey |
fall asleep, X falls asleep |
compound |
dorm-zay-dawa |
anesthetic (sleep inducer), X is an anesthetic |
compound |
doy |
-oid, X s part of a class that resembles Y |
English -oid |
doya |
bean |
Cherokee |
drano |
lake, X is a lake |
Fijian |
drawn |
drown, X drowns in, from Y |
English |
dril |
drill, X drills Y |
English |
drim |
dream, X dreams Y |
English |
drim-jey |
dream, X is a dream about Y |
compound |
driq |
insist (imperative marker), X insists Y |
Dutch DRINGen |
dum |
think, opine, X thinks Y |
Russian |
dunya |
world, X is a world |
Hindi |
duq |
East, X is east of Y |
Cantonese |
duwa |
bless, X blesses Y |
Hindi |
duwan |
customs, X is customs |
French |
duwan-dom |
customs house, X is a customs house |
compound |
dvor |
yard, X is a yard |
Russian |
dwa |
must, have to, X must Y |
French dois |
dwa-ben |
interest (financial), X is the interest on debt/loan Y |
compound |
dwa-jey |
duty, X is a duty of Y |
compound |
dwe |
two, X is a group of two |
Italian, etc. |
dwe-bayn-ba |
biped, X is a biped |
compound |
dwe-zem-xar |
February, X is a February |
compound |
dwel |
live, in the sense of inhabit, X inhabits Y |
English dwell |
dwey |
pile, heap, X is a pile of Y |
Mandarin |
dwomo |
cathedral, X is a cathedral |
Italian |
dyaw |
carve, X carves Y |
Mandarin |
dyaw-jey |
carving, X is a carved object |
compound |
dyelo |
affair, business, X is an affair |
Russian |
dyelo-jin |
businessman, X is a businessman |
compound |
dyen |
day (24 hrs), X is a day, period of 24 hrs. |
Russian |
fal |
fall, X falls to Y |
English |
fal-brela |
parachute, X is a parachute |
compound |
fal-permi |
allow to fall, drop, X drops Y |
compound |
fal-sma |
knock over, X knocks Y over |
compound |
fal-zay |
drop, make fall, X drops Y |
compound |
fala |
thank, be grateful to, X thanks Y |
Serbo-Croatian |
falo |
follow, X follows Y |
English |
falo-zim |
following letters, X is a following letter |
compound |
famli |
family, X is a family of Y |
English |
fan |
return, go back, X returns to Y |
Mandarin |
fan |
revert, X reverts to Y |
Mandarin |
fan-don |
return, give back, X returns Y |
compound |
fan-gey |
return, go back. X goes back to Y |
compound |
fan-kar |
answer (by action), respond, X responds to Y |
compound |
fan-tal |
reply, answer, X answers Y |
compound |
fanaw |
worry, X worries about Y |
Mandarin |
fane |
ring, X is a ring |
Irish |
fanraw |
bore, X bores Y |
Mandarin |
fanraw-xen |
boredom, X is boredom |
compound |
faq |
direction, X is a direction to Y |
Mandarin |
far |
create, make, X makes Y |
Esperanto |
far-ba |
product, manufactured item, X is a product/artefact |
compound |
far-ba-dom |
factory, X is a factory for making Y (building) |
compound |
far-ba-jay |
factory, X is a factory for making Y (place) |
compound |
far-ba-kel |
trade show, X is a trade show about Y |
compound |
faran |
dangerous, X is dangerous to Y |
Swedish |
farina |
flour, X is flour |
Italian |
farm |
farm, perform agriculture, X farms land Y |
English |
farm-jay |
farm, X is a farm that produces Y |
compound |
farm-xen |
agriculture, X is agriculture |
compound |
farma |
Drug, pharmaceutical, X is a drug |
English PHARMAcy |
farma-jin |
druggist, chemist, X is a druggist/pharmacist |
compound |
farma-stal |
Pharmacy, drugstore, X is a pharmacy |
compound |
fawl |
bird, X is a bird |
English fowl |
fawl-hyun |
bird dog, X is a bird dog |
compound |
fawl-sey |
flock of birds, X is a flock of birds |
compound |
fay |
five, X is a group of five |
English FIve |
fay-zem-xar |
May (Month), X is a May |
compound |
fayl |
file (rasp), X files Y |
English |
fayl-zer |
file (tool), X is a file |
compound |
fayr |
fire, X is fire |
Eng |
fayr-cari |
match (fire), X is a match |
compound |
fayr-cari-koq |
matchbox, X is a matchbox |
compound |
fayun |
garden (flower or vegetable), X is a garden of Y |
Cantonese |
fel |
need, be lacking, X needs Y |
German fehl |
felin |
cat, X is a cat |
English feline |
femur |
thigh, X is a thigh of |
Esperanto |
femur-gola |
femur, thighbone, X is a thighbone of Y |
compound |
fen |
distribute, X distributes Y |
Mandarin |
fen-don |
hand out, X hands Y out |
compound |
fen-sma |
knock apart, X knocks Y apart |
compound |
fenmu |
tomb, grave, X is a tomb of Y |
Mandarin |
fenmu-dvor |
graveyard, X is a graveyard (in a yard) |
compound |
fenmu-jay |
graveyard, X is a graveyard (in any area) |
compound |
fero |
iron, X is iron |
Italian |
fey |
can, be able, is able, X is able to Y |
German fahig |
fey-xen |
ability, X is ability |
compound |
fi |
if, in the counterfactual world that... |
Englishif backwards |
fil |
child, offspring, son/daughter, X is an offspring of Y |
French fil |
fili |
daughter, X is a daughter of Y |
from fil |
filin |
cork, X is a cork |
Arabic |
filin-srin-zer |
corkscrew, X is a corkscrew |
film |
film, X is a film |
English |
filo |
son, X is a son of Y |
from fil |
fin |
finish, X finishes Y |
English etc. |
fin-vey |
finish, expire, run out, X expires |
compound |
finun |
vine, X is a vine |
Irish |
fiq |
finger, X is a finger of Y |
English German |
fiq-tsume |
fingernail, X is a fingernail of Y |
compound |
fir |
fear, X fears Y |
English fear |
fir-koy |
timid, fearful, X is fearful of Y |
compound |
fir-kyo |
fearless, X is fearless of Y |
compound |
flay |
fly, X flies to Y |
compound |
flay-del |
wing, X is a wing of Y |
compound |
flay-gaq |
airport, X is an airport |
compound |
flay-gram |
airmail, X is airmail |
compound |
flay-jin |
flier, pilot, X is a pilot |
compound |
floy |
flea, X is a flea |
Yiddish |
flun |
influence, X influences Y |
English inFLUeNce |
fnar |
behind, X is behind Y |
reversal |
fner |
enemy, X is an enemy of Y |
reversal |
fnor |
back part, X is a back part of Y |
reversal |
fnor-toli |
backpack, X is a backpack |
compound |
fol |
-ful, is characterized by, X is characterized by Y |
German -voll |
folya |
leaf (plant), X is a leaf of Y |
Italian |
folyo |
page, X is a page of Y |
Esperanto |
form |
form, shape, X is a form of Y |
English |
form-zara |
morpheme, X is a morpheme of language Y |
compound |
forme |
information, X is information about Y |
English |
forno |
oven, X is an oven |
Esperanto |
forno-jin |
baker, X is a baker of Y |
compound |
forno-tso |
bake, X bakes Y |
compound |
foyle |
filth, putrefaction, X is filth |
German |
foyle-fol |
filthy, septic, X is filthy |
compound |
foyle-sam |
antiseptic, X is antiseptic |
compound |
fran |
in front of, X is in front of Y |
Tok Pisin |
fran-zo |
France, French, X is french |
compound |
fraq |
break, X breaks Y |
Latin FRANGo |
fraq-vey |
break, X breaks, gets broken |
compound |
fray |
fry, X fries Y |
English |
frem |
foreign, X is foreign to Y |
German |
fren |
friend, X is a friend of Y |
English FRIENd |
fren-dir |
pet, (animal), X is a pet of Y |
compound |
freno |
brake, X brakes |
Span. |
freno-zer |
brakes, X is a brake |
compound |
frer |
sibling, X is a sibling of Y |
French frere |
freri |
sister, X is a sister of Y |
from frer |
frero |
brother, X is a brother of Y |
from frer |
frey |
fresh, X is fresh |
French |
frika-zo |
Africa, X is Africa |
compound |
froma |
cheese, X is cheese |
French FROMAge |
fron |
front part, X is a front part of Y |
English FRONt |
froy |
glad, happy, X is glad that Y |
German |
fruliq |
Spring (season) X is spring |
German |
fu |
after, also future tense particle, X is after Y |
English future |
fu-co |
then, after that |
compound |
fu-dia |
tomorrow, X is tomorrow (daylight) |
compound |
fu-dyen |
tomorrow, X is tomorrow (24 hr pd) |
compound |
fu-ke |
after |
compound |
fulu |
capture, catch, X captures Y |
Mandarin |
fulu-xin |
trap, X is a mechanical trap for Y |
compound |
fulu-zer |
trap, X is a trap for Y |
compound |
fulu-zer-tso |
trap, X traps Y (with a trap) |
compound |
fum |
smoke, X is smoke |
French |
fum-folya |
tobacco leaf, X is tobacco |
compound |
fum-kana |
pipe, tobacco pipe, X is a pipe |
compound |
fum-spir |
smoke, X smokes Y (like tobacco) |
compound |
fum-veq |
tobacco, X is a tobacco plant |
compound |
fun |
funny, comical, humorous, X is funny |
English FUNny |
funeral |
funeral, X is a funeral |
English |
fuq |
function, operate, work, X works, operates, functions |
English FUNction |
fuq-zay |
operate, X operates Y |
compound |
furmi |
ant, X is an ant |
French |
fwa |
occurrence, X is an occurrence |
French |
fwa |
time as an occurrence, X is a time, instance |
French |
fwen |
fountain, X is a fountain |
Spanish FUENte |
fwi |
many, a large amount, X is a large amount, number |
reversal of fyu |
fye |
doable, X is doable by Y |
reversal |
fyer |
stale, X is stale |
reversal |
fyeril |
butterfly, X is a butterfly |
Swedish |
fyor |
unhappy, X is unhappy about Y |
reversal |
fyu |
few, a small amount, X is a small amount/number |
English few |
fyul |
fuel, power, X fuels Y |
English |
fyume |
river, X is a river |
Italian |
galyo |
branch (tree, river, etc.,) X is a branch of Y |
Portuguese |
galyo-gene |
branch as a river, X branches into Y |
compound |
gam |
garment, clothing "gear", X is a garment |
English GArMent |
gan |
earn, win, X wins Y, X earns Y |
Spanish |
gaq |
port, harbor, X is a port |
Mandarin |
gara |
agar, X is agar |
English agar respelled |
gari |
car, conveyance, vehicle, X is a vehicle |
Hindi |
garli |
garlic, X is garlic |
English GARLIc |
gaw |
nine, X is a group of nine |
Cantonese |
gaw-zem-xar |
September, X is a September |
compound |
gay |
cover, lid, X is a lid of Y |
Turkish |
ger |
different, other, X differs from Y |
Arabic |
ger-zay |
change, make different, X changes Y |
compound |
geril |
bacterium, X is a bacterium |
Icelandic |
gey |
go, X goes to Y |
German Gehen |
gi |
progressive particle, also means "while" |
English -InG |
gin |
computer, X is a computer |
Hindi |
giro |
cold, X is cold |
reversal |
giro-koq |
refrigerator, X is a refrigerator |
compound |
glon |
glass (drinking), X is a glass |
Irish |
go |
I, me |
Latin ego |
go-da |
we, exclusive |
compound |
go-zi |
we, inclusive |
compound |
gomen |
sorry, apologize, X apologizes to Y |
Japanese |
gori |
hot, X is hot |
Macedonian gori (burn) |
gori-plan-zay |
iron, X irons Y (flatten with heat) |
compound |
gra |
greatly, Esp -eg, X is intense |
from gran |
gram |
grammar, X is a grammar of language Y |
English |
gram-vor |
grammar word, X is a grammar word of language Y |
compound |
gran |
big, large, X is big |
French |
grilo |
cricket, X is a cricket |
Italian |
grin |
green, X is green |
English |
grom |
thunder, X is thunder |
Russian |
gulen |
act, behave, X behaves |
Scots |
gulen |
behave, carry oneself, X behaves |
Scots |
gulen-daw |
behavior, X is a behavior |
compound |
gumen |
abbot, X is an abbot |
Russian igumen |
gumen-jay |
abbey. X is an abbey |
compound |
gwanli |
officer, X is an officer |
Mandarin |
gwaq |
light, X is light (radiant) |
Mandarin |
gwaq-birne |
light bulb, X is a light bulb |
compound |
gwey |
rule, govern, X rules Y |
Mandarin |
gwey-ceq |
capital (governing city), X is a capitay of YU |
compound |
gwey-daw |
governing way, style, X is a way of governing |
compound |
gwey-jin |
governor, ruler, X is a governor of Y |
compound |
gwey-jin-sey |
government, X is a government of Y |
compound |
gwin |
alcohol, X is alcohol |
Breton "wine" |
gwomin |
allergic, X is allergic to Y |
Mandarin |
ha |
if, in the possible world that... |
Hebrew |
haluminum |
aluminum, X is aluminum |
English |
hamer-zo |
America (hemisphere), X is America |
compound |
hamino |
amino, X is an amino |
English |
hamino-sire |
amino acid, X is an amino acid |
compound |
hamonya |
ammonia, X is ammonia |
English |
han |
one, X is a unit of one |
Korean |
han-dwe-zem-xar |
December, X is a December |
compound |
han-han-zem-xar |
November, X is a November |
compound |
han-zem-xar |
January, X is a January |
compound |
han-zoy-zem-xar |
October, X is an October |
compound |
haqyayna |
angina, X is angina of organism Y |
English |
har |
hair, X is hair of Y |
German |
harqon |
argon (element), X is argon |
English |
haw |
good, X is good |
Mandarin |
haw-bam |
good night (greeting), X is a good night |
compound |
haw-dia |
good day (greeting), X is a good day |
compound |
haw-dum |
admire (think well of), X admires Y |
compound |
haw-dum-xen |
admiration, X is admiration for Y |
compound |
haw-fu-dia-cen |
good afternoon, X is a good afternoon |
compound |
haw-kalay |
good morning, X is a good morning |
compound |
haw-swar |
good evening, X is a good evening |
compound |
haw-tali |
good luck, X is good luck |
compound |
hay-fey |
possible, X is possible |
compound |
haym |
country, -land, X is a country of people Y |
German heim |
heq |
measure, X measures Y |
Mandarin |
her |
god, X is a god |
German |
hera |
goddess, X is a goddess |
German |
hero |
god (male), X is a male god |
German |
hey-ja-zo |
Asia, X is Asia |
compound |
heyl |
to greet. Used for "Hello.", X greets Y |
English hail |
heym |
home, X is a home of Y |
Esperanto |
hila |
doctor, physician, X is a physician |
English healer |
hila-tso |
doctor, treat, X medically treats Y |
compound |
hira |
rent, hire, X rents Y |
Swedish |
hlar |
lateral (phonetics), X is lateral |
English LAteRal |
hon |
book, X is a book about Y |
Japanese |
hoq |
red, X is red |
Mandarin |
hu |
particle - what follows modifies what precedes. |
English Who |
hurin |
urine, X is urine of organism Y |
English |
hwa |
bad, X is bad |
reversal of haw |
hwey |
draw, X draws Y (picture) |
Mandarin |
hwey-jey |
drawing, X is a drawing of |
compound |
hwey-jin |
draftsman, X is a draftsman |
compound |
hyun |
dog, X is a dog |
Cantonese |
hyuro-zo |
Europe, X is Europe |
compound |
ja |
and/or |
a priori |
jan |
know, X knows Y |
Hindi janna |
jan-zay |
make aware, inform, X informs Y |
compound |
jaq |
war, X is a war |
Hindi |
jaq-jin |
warrior, X is a warrior |
compound |
jaq-panya |
army, X is an army |
compound |
jaq-tso |
attack, wage war on, X wages war on Y |
compound |
jaw |
order, require, imperative marker, X orders Y |
Hindi jao |
jay |
place, location, X is a place |
Hindi |
je |
and |
a priori |
jeleya |
jam, marmalade, X is a jam |
Portuguese |
jene |
generate, produce, X produces Y |
English GENErate |
jey |
stuff, -ajho, manifestation, X is a manifestation of Y |
English -age backwards |
ji |
if and only if |
a priori |
jin |
person (adult human), X is a person |
Japanese jin |
jini |
woman, X is a woman |
Japanese jin |
jino |
man, X is a man |
Japanese jin |
jiq |
surprise, X surprises Y |
Mandarin |
jiq-je |
but (conjunction) |
compound |
jo |
whether or not |
a priori |
jumla |
sentence, X is a sentence |
Arabic |
jure |
anaconda, X is an anaconda |
Bororo |
jurnal |
newspaper, X is a newspaper |
French |
jurnal-tun |
newspaper cartoon. X is a newspaper cartoon |
compound |
ka |
what (asks for identification) |
a priori |
ka si |
how many |
kala |
fish, X is a fish |
Finnish |
kalu |
closed, X is closed |
reversal |
kalu-zay |
close, X closes Y |
compound |
kalya |
alkali, X is an alkali |
Persian |
kam |
job, work, X works on, with Y |
hindi |
kamen |
mask, X is a mask |
Japanese kamen |
kamo |
duck, X is a duck (bird) |
Japanese |
kamo-paw-gey |
waddle (duck-walk) X waddles to Y |
compound |
kana |
pipe, X is a pipe |
Portuguese |
kaqar |
artichoke, X is an artichoke |
Persian |
kara |
face, X is a face of Y |
Spanish |
kara-har |
beard, X is a beard of Y |
compound |
kaw |
therefore, because of that |
English CAUse |
ke |
that (makes sentence into unit) |
kel |
show, production, as in a program, X is a show about Y |
Hindi |
kerey |
acre, X is an acre |
English acre respelled |
kern |
nucleus, kernel, X is the nucleus of Y |
Dutch |
ki |
which (of group already identified) |
a priori |
ki-jay |
where, X is where |
compound |
kin |
gold, X is gold |
Japanese |
kin-kolor |
golden, gold-colored, X is gold-colored |
compound |
kin-skin |
gold skin, gilding, X is a gilding of Y |
compound |
kin-skin-tso |
gild, X gilds Y |
compound |
kin-xayn |
golden, gold-like, X is golden |
compound |
kinar |
frontier, edge, X is an edge of Y |
Hindi |
kino |
movie, film, X is a movie about |
German |
kiq |
monarch, X is a monarch of Y |
English |
kiq-zbani |
queen (king's consort), X is a queen of Y |
kiqi |
queen (reigning), X is a queen of Y |
kiqo |
king, X is a king of Y |
kiri |
left, X is to the left of Y |
Indonesian |
kirwa |
aphic, X is an aphid |
Finnish |
kiwi |
kiwi, X is a kiwi fruit |
English |
klamo |
hard (firm), X is hard |
compound |
klamo-bani |
cash, (hard money), X is cash |
compound |
klamo-buma |
cardboard, X is cardboard |
compound |
klamo-doqmay-kraq |
arteriosclerosis, X is arteriosclerosis of organism Y |
compound |
ko |
to, towards, X is towards Y |
Russian |
kolor |
colored, having color, X is colored |
Spanish |
kom |
eat, X eats Y |
Spanish comer |
kom-dwa |
hungry (must eat), X is hungry for Y |
kom-fel |
hungry (needing to eat), X is hungry for Y |
compound |
kom-jey |
meal (amount of food), X is a meal |
compound |
kom-koy |
hungry (inclined to eat), X is hungry for Y |
kom-ske |
meal, event of eating, X is a meal |
compound |
kom-vol |
hungry (wanting to eat), X is hungry for Y |
komal |
soft, X is soft |
Hindi |
komu |
communicate, X communicates Y |
English COMMUnicate |
komu-jey |
communication, message, X is a communication that Y |
compound |
koq |
box, X is a box of Y |
Mandarin |
korno |
ear, X is an ear of Y |
Bengali |
koy |
tend, be inclined to, love to, X tends to Y |
Japanese |
kraq |
disease, X is a disease of organism Y |
German KRANk |
kreyon |
pencil, X is a pencil |
French |
ktinyum |
actinium, X is actinium |
English aCTINIUM |
ku |
what kind of, X is what kind of Y |
a priori |
kul |
all, X is all of Y |
Hindi |
kula |
open, X is open |
Hindi |
kula-zay |
open, X opens Y |
compound |
kuni |
elbow, X is an elbow of Y |
Hindi |
kuri |
cartilage, X is cartilage of Y |
Hindi |
kwa |
because |
reversal |
kwar |
four, X is a group of four |
English QUARter |
kwar-zem-xar |
April, X is an April |
compound |
kwila |
eagle, X is an eagle |
Latin aQUILA |
kxama |
forgive, pardon, X forgives Y |
Hindi |
kyam |
name, X is a name of Y |
Ital. Chiamo |
kyan |
write, X writes Y |
Laotian |
kyo |
tend not to, be averse to, dislike, X is averse to Y |
reversal of koy |
kyoyo |
culture, common heritage, X is a culture of Y |
Japanese kyouyou |
kyum |
document, X is a document |
English doCUMent |
pa |
before, also past tense particle, X is before Y |
English past |
pal |
eight, X is a group of eight |
Korean |
pal-zem-xar |
August, X is an August |
compound |
paliq |
eel, X is an eel |
Dutch |
palo |
coat, X is a coat |
Russian |
pam |
parent, X is a parent of Y |
English pa and ma |
pami |
mother, X is a mother of Y |
English pa and ma |
pamo |
father, X is a father of Y |
English pa and ma |
panel-tun |
single-panel cartoon, X is a single-panel cartoon |
compound |
pani |
water, X is water |
Hindi pani |
pani-gari |
watercraft, X is a watercraft |
compound |
pano |
over, above, X is above Y |
Greek for 'up' |
panya |
company, X is a company of Y |
Interlingua comPANIA |
para |
cattle, cow, X is a cow |
Hebrew |
para-bin |
calf, X is a calf |
compound |
paw |
foot, X is a foot of Y |
Hindi |
paw-fiq |
toe, X is a toe of Y |
compound |
paw-gam |
footwear, shoe, X is footwear |
compound |
paw-swa |
kick, X kicks Y |
compound |
payno |
heavy, X is heavy |
Finnish |
pen |
pen, X is a writing pen |
Engl. |
penwar |
robe, X is a robe |
French |
peram |
ampere, X is an ampere |
English respelled |
permi |
allow, permit, X permits Y |
English PERMIt |
peyl |
bucket, X is a bucket/pail |
English |
peyl-si |
bucketful, X is a bucketful of Y |
compound |
peyn |
pain, X is a pain in Y |
English |
peyn-dawa |
analgesic, pain killer, X is an analgesic |
compound |
pi |
decimal point, period |
English PoInt |
pi-fay |
half, point five, X is an amount of point five |
compound |
pi-fay-vawl |
semivowel, X is a semivowel |
compound |
pimre |
prohibit, X prohibits Y |
reversal |
pinmo |
forget, X forgets Y |
reversal of pomni |
pinya |
pineapple, X is a pineapple |
Spanish |
plan |
flat, X is flat |
Romance |
plan-sma |
slap, X slaps Y |
compound |
plana |
flat thing, board-shaped thing, board, X is a board |
derived from plan |
play |
imply, X implies Y |
Englishi mPLY |
plin |
gas (state of matter), X is a gas |
Czech |
ploy |
use, X uses Y |
English emPLOY |
plu |
plus, +, X is in addition to Y |
English PLUs |
po |
opposite prefix, X is the opposite of Y |
opPOsite |
po-bley |
divided by, /, X is divided by Y - also "dal" |
compound |
pol |
police, X is police |
English POLice |
pom |
apple, X is an apple |
French |
pome |
fruit, X is a fruit |
Friulian |
pomni |
remember, X remembers Y |
Russ POMNIt |
pona |
under, below, X is under Y |
reversal of pano |
ponya |
light (weight), X is light |
reversal |
porey |
leek, X is a leek |
French |
pralin |
chocolate, X is chocolate |
Swedish |
pralin-bwa-jey |
chocolate drink, X is a chocolate drink |
compound |
pren |
take, X takes Y |
French PRENdre |
pri |
pray, beg, X prays that Y |
French |
punyo |
fist, X is a fist of Y |
Italian, Spanish |
pwer |
child, boy/girl, X is a child |
Lat. puer |
pweri |
girl, X is a girl |
from pwer |
pwero |
boy, X is a boy |
from pwer |
pyu |
slightly, Esp -et, X is slightly Y |
from pyun |
pyu-bani |
change (small money), X is change |
compound |
pyun |
small, little, X is small |
English |
sa |
separator particle, separates modifier from modified |
a priori |
sal |
year, X is a year |
Hindi |
salon |
salon, gathering of people socially, X is a salon |
French , English |
salon-cam |
parlor, living room, X is a parlor |
compound |
sam |
oppose, prevent, X opposes Y |
Hindi |
sami |
down, X us up from Y |
reversal of sima |
sami-ko |
downwards, X is downwards in motion from Y |
compound |
saq |
blood, X is blood of Y |
French |
saq-sin-kraq |
anemia, (bloodless disease), X is anemia of organism Y |
compound |
sen |
three zeroes |
German tauSENd |
sene |
sense, be aware of, X senses Y |
English SENsE |
sene-daq-dawa |
anesthetic, (drug that induces insensitivity) X is an anesthetic |
compound |
sey |
group, -aro, X is a coherent group of Y |
Hindi SEna, army |
seymey |
statement, declaration, X is a statement |
Japanese |
seyqi |
justice, X is justice |
Japanese |
seyqi-bay |
just, according to justice, X is just |
compound |
sfer |
ball, sphere, X is a ball |
English |
sfer |
sphere, ball, X is a ball |
English |
sfer-pen |
ballpoint pen |
compound |
shawu |
afternoon, X is an afternoon |
Mandarin |
si |
quantifier marker |
a priori |
silwer |
silver (element), X is silver |
English |
silwer-kolor |
silver-colored, X is silver-colored |
compound |
silwer-xayn |
silvery, resembling silver, X is silvery |
compound |
sima |
up, X is up from Y |
Portuguese |
sima-ko |
upwards, X is in motion up from Y |
compound |
sima-suma |
altitude, X is an altitude from Y |
compound |
sima-vey |
rise, go up, X rises to Y |
compound |
sima-xin |
elevator, X is an elevator |
compound |
sima-zay |
lift, raise, X lifts Y |
compound |
sir |
head, X is a head of Y |
Hindi |
sir-gam |
hat, headgear, X is a hat |
compound |
sire |
acid, X is an acid |
Scandinavian |
sire-kraq |
acidosis, X is acidosis of organism Y |
compound |
ske |
happening, instance, event, X is an event of Y |
Danish |
skenari |
arsenic (element), X is arsenic |
English arsenic respelled |
skim |
plan, design, X plans Y |
English scheme |
skin |
skin, X is skin of organism Y |
English |
skul |
school, X is a school |
English |
skul-bwan |
principal (of school), X is a principal of school Y |
compound |
skul-dom |
school building, X is a school building |
compound |
skul-tso |
school as a verb, to school s. one, X schools Y |
compound |
sli |
at least, X is at least Y |
a priori |
smer |
dead, X is dead |
Russian smert |
sminu |
minus, -, X is lessened by Y |
English minus anagrammed |
sol |
soldier, X is a soldier |
English SOLdier |
sol-sey |
army, X is an army |
compound |
sol-sey-gwanli |
army officer, X is an army officer |
compound |
solo |
alone, X is alone |
English solo |
solo-zmen-kraq |
autism, X is an autism of Y |
compound |
sona-zo |
United States of America, X is the USA |
compound |
sori |
shave, X shaves Y |
Japanese |
sori-zer |
razor, shaver, X is a razor |
compound |
sorwi |
alga, X is an alga |
Japanese |
sper |
hope, X hopes Y |
French eSPERE |
spirin |
aspirin, X is aspirin |
English aSPIRIN |
spor |
sport, X is a sport |
English SPORt |
spor-tso |
do sports, be an athlete |
compound |
spor-tso-jin |
athlete, X is an athlete |
compound |
spora |
spore, X is a spore of organism Y |
Italian |
spriq |
jump. X jumps to Y |
English |
spun |
spoon, X is a spoon |
English spoon |
srem |
be alive, live, X lives |
reversal of smer |
srin |
pull, X pulls Y |
Irish |
sru |
against the underside of, X is against the underside of Y |
reversal of sur |
sta |
to be located, X is located at Y |
Spanish eSTAr |
stal |
shop, store, X is a shop that deals in Y |
Breton, English STALl |
staq |
stick, X is a pole, stick |
Esperanto |
stari |
old (of objects) , X is old |
Russian |
statin |
astatine (element) X is astatine |
English |
stilin |
acetylene, X is acetylene |
English aCeTYLENe |
stir |
steer, X steers Y |
English |
stira |
new, X is new |
reversal of stari |
sto |
two zeroes |
Russian Sto |
stone |
acetone, X is acetone |
English aCeTONE |
stralya-zo |
Australia (continent), X is Australia |
compound |
strayn-zo |
Australia (country), X is Australia |
compound |
stri |
strip, long thin thing, X is a strip |
English STRIp |
stri-tun |
comic strip, X is a comic strip |
compound |
strom |
electricity, X is electricity |
Dutch |
strom-be-fyul |
electric-powered. X is electric powered |
compound |
stu |
sit, X sits on, at Y |
English STOOl |
stum |
accustomed, used, X is accustomed to Y |
Spanish acoSTUMbrarse |
stum-vey |
get used to, X gets used to Y |
compound |
stum-zay |
accustom, X accustoms Y to something |
compound |
sui |
self, reciprocal pronoun or prefix |
English SUIcide |
sul |
south, X is south of Y |
Portuguese |
sul-dalu-zo |
Antarctica, X is Antarctica |
compound |
sul-hamer-zo |
South America, X is South America |
compound |
suma |
amount, X is an amount of Y |
Russian |
sur |
on, on top of, X is on Y |
French |
swa |
hit, strike, X hits Y |
English SWAt |
swal |
question, X is a question |
Arabic |
swal-tso |
ask, put a question, X asks Y |
compound |
swar |
evening, X is an evening |
French soir |
tal |
speak, say, talk, X says Y |
English TALk |
tali |
luck, X is luck |
Turkish |
talon |
claw, talon, X is a talon of Y |
English |
talu |
palate (mouth), X is a palate of Y |
Hindi |
tam |
hold, support, X holds Y |
Hindi |
tamu |
sweet, X is sweet |
Swahili |
tamu-tayl |
dessert (sweet part), X is a dessert |
compound |
taq |
hand, X is a hand of Y |
Indonesian TANGan |
taq-ten |
hold (in hand), X holds Y |
compound |
tari |
find, locate, X finds Y |
Quechua |
tawl |
towel, X is a towel |
Eng |
tayar |
ready, prepared, X is prepared for Y |
Hindi |
tayl |
piece, X is a piece of Y (see 'del') |
German |
taym |
time as a continuum, X is time |
English |
te |
a, indefinite article |
a priori |
teler |
dish, X is a dish |
German |
telo |
hotel, X is a hotel |
English respelled |
telo-del |
organ, body part, X is an organ of Y |
compound |
tem |
about, concerning, X is about Y |
Esperanto TEMi |
ten |
have, possess, X has Y |
Spanish tener |
tiq |
hear, X hears Y |
Mandarin |
tir |
pull, X pulls Y |
Romance |
tira |
lose, misplace, X loses/misplaces Y |
reversal of tari |
tlale |
atlatl, X is an atlatl |
Nahuatl |
to |
the |
Greek to |
toma |
atom, X is an atom of element Y |
English atom respelled |
toma-kern |
atomic nucleus, X is the atomic nucleus of Y |
compound |
tomo |
car, automobile, X is a car |
English auTOMObile |
toq |
tub, bucket, container, X is a container |
Mandarin |
tor |
write, compose, create, x composes Y |
auThOR |
tri |
three, X is a group of three |
Russian |
tri-zem-xar |
March (Month), X is a March |
compound |
tron |
touch, X touches Y |
Russ TRONut' |
tru |
true, X is true |
English |
truyn |
nasal (phonetics), X is nasal, is a nasal sound |
Welsh |
tsan |
tooth, X is a tooth of Y |
German |
tsan-swa |
bite, X bites Y |
compound |
tsi |
letter name ending, (bound morpheme) |
Mandarin zi |
tso |
do, apply, Esp -umi, X does Y |
Mandarin dzuo |
tsume |
nail (finger, toe), X is a nail of Y |
Japanese |
tsuqe |
tongue, X is a tongue of Y |
German |
tsuqe-tso |
lick, X licks Y |
compound |
tun |
cartoon drawing, X is a cartoon |
English carTOON |
tun-film |
animated cartoon, X is an animated cartoon |
compound |
tun-kam |
cartoonist, X is a cartoonist |
compound |
tuni |
cloth, X is a cloth |
Tami |
tway |
late, X is late |
Samoan |
twi |
container, X is a container for a group of Y |
French etui |
tyaw |
early, X is early |
reversal of tway |
vawl |
vowel, X is a vowel |
English |
vayu |
air, X is air |
Hindi |
vayu-sfer |
atmosphere, X is atmosphere of world Y |
compound |
velo |
bicycle, X is a bicycle |
French |
ven |
come, X comes from Y |
Romance |
ven-zay |
attract, X attracts Y |
compound |
veq |
vegetable, plant, X is a plant |
English VEGetable |
vermu |
wormwood, X is wormwood |
German |
vermu-gwin |
absinthe, X is absinthe (liquor) |
compound |
vey |
become, begin to be, X becomes Y |
Mandarin wei |
veyn |
vein, X is a vein of organism Y |
English |
vilno |
unfree, constrained, X is unfree |
reversal |
vin |
wine, X is wine |
Romance |
vino |
guilty, X is guilty of Y |
Russ. VINOvat |
vino-xen |
guilt, X is guilt of Y |
compound |
vol |
want, desire to, X wants Y |
Romance |
volni |
free, unconstrained, X is free |
Czech |
voni |
innocent, X is innocent of Y |
reversal |
voni-xen |
innocence, X is innocnese of Y |
compound |
vor |
word, X is a word |
German VORt |
vorm |
worm, X is a worm |
English |
xam |
north, X is north of Y |
Persian |
xam-hamer-zo |
North America, X is North America |
compound |
xama |
lamp, X is a lamp |
Hindi |
xar |
month, X is a month |
Arabic |
xaw |
see, X sees Y |
German |
xayn |
seem, look like, X seems, looks like Y |
German |
xe |
suffix that turns a word into a sentence modifier |
a priori |
xemi |
blouse, X is a blouse |
Fr CHEMIse |
xemi |
shirt, X is a shirt |
Fr CHEMIse |
xen |
-tion, makes noun from verb or adj |
English -tion |
xey |
six, X is a group of six |
Russian SHEst |
xey-zem-xar |
June, X is a June |
compound |
xin |
machine, X is a machine |
English maCHINE |
xiq |
apricot, X is an apricot |
Mandarin |
xlen |
slow, X is slow |
reversal of xnel |
xnel |
fast, rapid, X is fast |
Germ |
xu |
turns following word into question |
a priori |
xu-ke |
Turns statement into question |
compound |
xum |
sound, noise, X is a noise |
russian |
xum-zara |
phoneme, X is a phoneme |
compound |
zam |
together, X is together |
German zuSAMmen |
zara |
bit, particle, smallest unit, -eme, X is a particle of Y |
Hindi zarra |
zay |
to cause, make, X causes Y |
English -ize backwards |
zay-ba |
agent of change |
compound |
zban |
spouse, X is a spouse of Y |
English huSBANd |
zbani |
wife, X is a wife of Y |
zbano |
husband, X is a husband of Y |
ze |
greater than, plural number, X is greater than Y |
English 's |
zem |
ordinal number suffix, -th |
Fr deuXiEM |
zer |
tool, X is a tool for Y-ing |
English sciSSOR |
zey |
sea, X is a sea |
Dutch |
zey-jaq-jin |
sailor (navy), X is a sailor |
compound |
zey-jaq-panya |
navy, X is a navy |
compound |
zgan |
goose, X is a goose (bird) |
German Ganz respelled |
zgan-bin |
gosling, X is a gosling |
compound |
zi |
you |
German Sie |
zi-da |
you, plural |
compound |
zim |
letter (a, b, c, etc.), X is a letter |
Mandrin ZIMu |
zina |
magazine (periodical), X is a magazine |
English magaZINe |
zina-tun |
magazine cartoon, X is a magazine cartoon |
compound |
ziq |
sing, X sings Y |
German |
zir |
button, key, [to push with finger] |
Arabic |
zir-plana |
keyboard, X is a keyboard |
compound |
ziro |
young, X is young |
reversal of zori |
zma |
apart, X is apart |
reversal of zam |
zmen |
mind (mental), X is a mind of Y |
Latin mens respelled |
zo |
proper name ending. turns a word into a name |
a priori |
zori |
old, X is old |
Basque |
zoy |
Zero, X is zero |
a priori |
zraw |
easy, X is easy |
reversal |
zwar |
difficult, hard, X is difficult |
Dutch |
Ceqli Glossary
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